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Shane Worley The Marketing 1 LLC

BBB Rating
Beginner Package


Local Search Engine Optimization Beginner Package


1 Targeted GEOs

Keyword Topics:

SEO work will focus on 1 keyword topic

Trackable Keywords:

We will focus on 5 target keywords and track 25 keywords

Optimized Pages:

We will recommend or perform optimization of website pages every month

Locally Relevant Link Building:

We will build backlinks (from local search engines & directories), business listings and NAP enabled citations every month to improve local presence

Content Optimization:

We will post industry-specific editorial content and create/modify website content to boost rankings

Our Process

1. Targeted GEOs (Geographical Targeting)

Identification and Analysis: Begin by identifying the geographical areas (GEOs) most relevant to your business. This could be based on where your business is located, where your customers are, or where you see potential for growth.

Local Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research specific to these GEOs. Understand the local language nuances, search behaviors, and competition in these areas.

Implementation: Implement these GEO-targeted keywords into your website's metadata, content, and local listings.

2. Keyword Topics and Trackable Keywords

Keyword Topic Selection: Choose one primary keyword topic that is central to your business offerings. This topic should be broad enough to encompass various subtopics but specific enough to target your desired audience.

Target and Trackable Keywords: Select 5 primary keywords within this topic for focused optimization. Additionally, track 25 related keywords to monitor your SEO progress and understand evolving search trends.

3. Optimized Pages

Page Optimization Strategy: Develop a monthly plan to optimize various pages on your website. This includes updating meta tags, improving content quality, and ensuring a good user experience.

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update these pages based on performance data and SEO best practices. This iterative process will help in steadily improving your site's visibility and ranking.

4. Locally Relevant Link Building and Content Optimization

Link Building: Each month, focus on building high-quality backlinks from local search engines, directories, and other relevant sources. This should include creating business listings and NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) enabled citations.

Content Creation and Optimization: Publish industry-specific editorial content that is informative, engaging, and optimized for your target keywords. Regularly update existing content to keep it fresh and relevant.

Search Engine Optimization Services

Local SEO

The Strategy

Month 1

Month 2

  • Agency Platform Reporting & Customer Dashboard

  • Global Website Audit

  • Page Specific Audit

  • Google Analytics, Search Console and Bing Webmasters Setup

  • Keyword Grouping & URL Mapping

  • Duplicate Content Check - Up to 5 Pages

  • Web Form Conversion Tracking Setup

  • Review Widget Installation & Review Monitoring

  • Call Tracking (upto 200 minutes) - Ask for Quote

  • Web Form Conversion Tracking

  • Title & Meta Tags - up to 5 Pages

  • Image, Hyperlink, Heading Tag & Internal Links Optimization - up to 1 Pages

  • Robots.txt Optimization

  • Canonicalization

  • Adding Rich Snippets - Up to 5 Pages

  • Local Business Information Schema (Phone, Address, Business Name, Opening Hours) - up to 5 Pages

  • Map Schema - Up to 5 Pages

  • Images and Logo Schemas - Up to 5 Pages

  • Reviews Schema - Up to 5 Pages

  • Google My Business Setup

  • GMB Listing Optimization (Adding Images, Videos, Hours of Operation)

  • 1 GPS Listing Submissions

Month 2 (Ongoing)

  • Link Detox - Up to 25 Domains

  • Image, Hyperlink, Heading Tag & Internal Links Optimization - up to 2 Page

  • 1 Website Content Writing (250 Words Per Page)

  • 1 Editorial / Guest Blog with Social Boost

  • Q&A Posting

  • Google Analytics Account Creation, Installation & Setup

  • Google Search Console Account Creation, Installation & Setup

  • Bing Webmasters Account Creation, Installation & Setup

  • User HTML Sitemap Creation, Uploading & Linking

  • XML Sitemaps Creation & Submission to Google & Bing

  • Bing, Apple Maps & Facebook Local Listings

  • 1 Authority Business Listings

  • 2 2nd Tier Local + Industry Specific Citations

  • Local Citation Audit

  • Website Social Boost - 1 URL X 5 Sites

  • 1 Social Network Citations

  • Local & Social Community Setup

  • 1 Coupon Distribution (if provided)

Month 3 (+ Ongoing)

  • Image, Hyperlink, Heading Tag & Internal Links Optimization - Up to 2 Pages

  • Image GEO Tagging - up to 5 Images

  • GEO Tagged Photo Submissions - 1 Photo X 5 Sites


  • 1 Editorial / Guest Blogs

  • 1 Social Network Citations

  • 1 Authority Business Listings

  • 2 2nd Tier Local + Industry Specific Citations

  • Website Social Boost - 1 URL X 5 Sites

  • Full Web-Based 24/7 Access to all Reports

  • Weekly SEO Status Reports

  • Monthly SEO Performance Reports

  • Customer Support (Email, Chat & Telephone)

To learn more about ways you can work on your own SEO enhancements visit our BLOG or access a Free SEO audit on us!

Contact Us

610 Meacham Rd #1190,

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Mobile: (815)849-8327

Email: [email protected]

Address: 610 Meacham Rd #1190, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Copyright 2023 Shane Worley The Marketing 1 LLC All rights reserved

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