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Shane Worley The Marketing 1 LLC

BBB Rating
Platinum Stamp Logo


Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Local Search Ads

PPC Local Search Ads Services in Elk Grove Village, Chicago, Arlington Heights & Elgin IL

Signup of Local Service Ad Account

Assisting in claiming Google Guaranteed Badge

Campaign Setup

Keyword Selection

Ad-copy Creation

Bid - Budget Optimization

Testing New Keywords

Monitoring Campaign Performance

Initial Campaign Setup Report

Weekly Report

Monthly Report

Our Process

  • Account Initiation & Verification

    Signup of Local Service Ad Account:

    We start by setting up your Local Service Ad account, ensuring all details are accurately represented to best reflect your business and its offerings.

    Assisting in claiming Google Guaranteed Badge:

    We guide you through the process of obtaining your Google Guaranteed Badge, enhancing trust with your potential customers and providing a competitive edge in local search results.

  • Campaign Strategy & Execution

    Campaign Setup: Our team meticulously plans and implements your campaign structure, targeting the right service categories and locations for your business.

    Keyword Selection & Ad-copy Creation: We conduct thorough keyword research to select terms that potential customers are using to find services like yours, paired with crafting compelling ad copy that speaks to the needs and interests of your local market.

    Bid - Budget Optimization: We set and adjust bids to ensure we're maximizing your budget for the best possible return on investment, all while maintaining the flexibility to adapt to market changes.

  • Performance Management & Enhancement

    Testing New Keywords: : By continuously testing new keywords, we discover additional opportunities to capture interested local searchers.

    Monitoring Campaign Performance: Our ongoing monitoring ensures that performance metrics are hitting targets, and if they're not, we're poised to make real-time adjustments.

  • Reporting & Insights

    Initial Campaign Setup Report: Once your campaign is up and running, we provide a detailed report of our setup, offering full transparency into the strategic approach taken.

    Weekly & Monthly Report: Regular reporting rhythms are established with weekly updates for a near-time view and monthly deep dives to assess performance, trends, and opportunities for further optimization.

PPC Local Search Ads Services Elgin IL

We Make Your Business Appealing to Your Target Audience

Lets Get Connected

By entrusting Shane Worley the Marketing 1 LLC with your PPC and Local Search Ads, you're not just getting a service; you're receiving a dedicated team committed to propelling your business to the forefront of your local market.

Our targeted approach ensures that your advertising efforts aren't just seen—they're successful.

To learn more about ways you can work on your own SEO enhancements visit our BLOG or access a Free SEO audit on us!

Contact Us

610 Meacham Rd #1190,

Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Mobile: (815)849-8327

Email: [email protected]

Address: 610 Meacham Rd #1190, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Copyright 2023 Shane Worley The Marketing 1 LLC All rights reserved


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